I find it the height of irony that he's the one acting like a whore and we're the ones bathing like hookers.

Lily: I could never get naked in public like that, all Jane of the Jungle.
Mina: Please, stay your control freak self. I can't handle more naked people.

You've done so many amazing things and you talk about them all the time.

Look, um. You seem like a very nice person and when we are off the clock I'm more than happy to talk to you all about my crap language skills and my waspy upbringing but when we're in the field, I work solo.

There's got to be something going on with this guy. Anybody else would be a fried chicken right now.

Look at this. My arms around a child and I'm not even wearing a hazmat suit.

Lily: My patient who is most likely a serial killer just busted his stitches.
Mina: Awesome.

Lily: He could be dying right now.
Mina: Yeah.
Lily: Or he's fine and he's just not into me.
Mina: Either, or.

Lynn: Ask and the jungle provides. It has everything you need.
Mina: Except for paved roads.

Ben: You haven't delivered any babies yet.
Mina: There's a reason for that. I don't like babies.
Ben: You don't have to like them. You just have to catch them.

I feel like I just got knocked up but I didn't even get to have the unprotected sex.

I realize that you don't like me but sticking me with the ass with the ass lesion is just kind of mean.

Off the Map Quotes

Practicing tropical medicine in a third-world country is a different game... You don't have high tech, you don't have big pharma - you have your brain, you have your instincts.


They don't give a crap about the work. They're just padding their resumes with a little third world do gooding.
