Did you see that shirt Ivy is wearing? I wouldn't use that shirt as a rag to scrub my own bathtub.

I lost the person I love most in this world. Now, all I have left is a horse.

I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.

Silver: I'd ease up on the lip gloss a little bit.
Naomi: Oh, be quiet, I look fantastic.

We can totally go topless in St. Bart's... I've been tanning my ta-tas in anticipation.

Silver: You look tanner than you did yesterday. How is that possible?
Naomi: I may have gone tanning last night.

Annie: It's complicated.
Naomi: What's complicated about it? He's a drug dealer.

Liam: This is boring.
Naomi: It's not boring. Deck panels are... rad.

Naomi: I'd feel naked without it.
Silver: Why?
Naomi: Because I'm naked without it.

Naomi: You should actually come with us, the shops are still open for another 20 minutes and i'm still looking for the perfect LGD.
Adrianna: Little gold dress.
Annie: Ah, of course.

Naomi: How's the burger?
Liam: It's not bad. You want a bite?
Naomi: No, I'm fine. Want a bite of my extremely dry chicken?

Everyone knows McLovin. No one has any clue that Topeka is the capital of Kansas.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
