Since I'm not going to CU, I figure I'll end up working at a fast food joint. So might as well dress the part, right?

I am terrible at tests. But, I'm an excellent dater.

Naomi: I can't be distracted by rock-hard abs and thighs that have driven countries to war.
Adrianna: What country has ever been driven to war over thighs?

Adrianna: Marilyn never loved and lost Navid.
Naomi: She was pretty torn up over JFK.

Naomi: Why weren't you at school today?
Adrianna: Because I'm a terrible person.

Silver: I'm so over the Battle of the Bulge.
Naomi: If you were dating Jamie, you would so not be over the Battle of the Bugle.

Picture lots of cleavage, excellent ass.

I am here to rescue your little news broadcast thingy... I'll give people sex advice!

Naomi: You stole me away from your roommate.
Jaime: At least that was based on something honest.

Watching that movie on industrial meat production just gave me a craving for Kobe sliders.

Silver: Is it bad we left the Shiva?
Naomi: They covered all those mirrors, which was just rude.

Everyone knows McLovin. No one has any clue that Topeka is the capital of Kansas.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
