Nathan: You realize I've seen you in that crochete thing you wear, right?
Haley: Come on, this is embarrassing. I want you to think I'm not embarrassing.
Nathan: You don't embarrass me, Haley.
Haley: Oh, yeah, ok.
Nathan: Ok, I take that back.

Nathan: Was that your jump shot? Because if that was your jump shot, I can't date you anymore. My mom said you would be here, something about a grade?
Haley: Yeah, you cannot be here right now.
Nathan: Why not?
Haley: Because I look stupid.

Nathan: You should come tonight. Maybe you'll make everyone behave.
Haley: I'll come if you want me to.
Nathan: No, I wasn't serious. I wouldn't put you through that.
Haley: No, I mean, if you're asking, of course, my answer is yes.
Nathan: Well, then, I'm asking.
Haley: Well, then, I'm coming.

Haley: So this, uh, dinner is going to be pretty bad, huh?
Nathan: Yeah, a massacre. My grandma's okay. It's just my grandpa's pretty intense. You've met my dad. Just imagine where he comes from.
Haley: Scary.

Nathan: These past couple weeks without it ... I mean if I didn't play, I might actually have a life.
Haley: What would you do?
Nathan: I don't know. At least I have some time to figure it out. Besides, I'm sure we can find other things to do with our time.
Haley: Like?
Nathan: (kisses Haley)
Haley: I think you're really brave to reconsider building who you are. I don't know if I could do that.
Nathan: You could if you tried. Look, I gotta go.
Haley: Oh, yeah. Hey, umm, basketball practice starts up again today right?
Nathan: Yeah, I'm just not sure if I do. I'll see ya.

Nathan: You're a good man Jamie Scott.
Jamie: So are you dad.

Haley: Did you finish 'The Little Prince'?
Nathan: No, I just rented the movie. This book is stupid.
Haley: Nathan, you're not going to pass French if you keep renting movies.
Nathan: Its not like I have a lot of time to read.
Haley: So, are you ever going to tell me how it went?
Nathan: The therapist asked me if I liked playing basketball.
Haley: Wow, what did you say?
Nathan: I didn't know what to say. No one has ever asked me that question.

Tim: This sucks!
Jake: Speak for yourself. Whitey just did me a favor.
Nathan: Yeah, me too.

Whitey: Nice to see you, vertical. How ya feeling?
Nathan: Same as always. What's this all about?
Whitey: Seems to me we've lost track about what this game is suppose to be about, myself included. Now I want you to take this time and think about why we're really out there. 'Til then no practice.

Nathan: Look, I think I should get back to the madness, but, hey, if I could, I'd stay like this all day.
Haley: Ok. Nathan, about last night ...
Nathan: Hey, it's not about sex with me, alright? When you're ready, I'll be ready, too.

Haley: Just read the book and forget about professor what's-his-face.
Nathan: Cellerman
Haley: Who?
Nathan: Cellerman
Haley: Who?
Nathan: Okay I'll read the book.

Peyton: It's not about the car. It's about you. I finally saw you clearly for the first time last night. The way you treated me, the way you treated Tim, the way you treated your brother.
Nathan: Don't call him that.
Peyton: And the way you're playing that girl.
Nathan: What? Are you talking about Haley? Is that what this is about? Peyton, she means nothing.
Peyton: Okay, if that's the case, then you're an ass. And even if she does mean something, you're still an ass, and what's really sad, Nathan, is that you're too stupid to get that. So thank you for being such an amazing son of a bitch last night. You really made this a no-brainer.
Nathan: I'll call you when you're not so PMS.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.