My constitution cannot handle this level of country music.

Adrianna: How are you feeling?
Navid: Worse than I ever felt in my life, but not bad.

Liam: Suspended from school? Sounds more like a vacation.
Navid: You ever face disappointed Persian parents? My own mother said I urinated on the legacy of my ancestors.

Dixon: Navid, my friend, I am living the dream.
Navid: Dixon, my friend, you are living a lie.

Navid: You're running a car theft ring?
Amal: No, we're running a car theft ring.

Liam: If you like someone and they like you, there's a way around obstacles.
Navid: Like of Dixon went into a rapid aging machine?

Your hair, it looks like a medieval weapon.

Adrianna does a great tractor voice. Hit it!

It's a girl!

I was just thinking of something Adrianna said to me last night... after, you know, we did it!

Navid: We're getting married.
Dixon: Like married married?!?

I've loved you since the first time I saw you in the second grade.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
