Instead of wondering why it didn't kill him, let's make sure it doesn't.

Charlie: How much do you make being a doctor?
Otis: A lot less than you make being a bookie, I'll tell you that much.

Keaton's gone for half an hour and the last Nazi in South America shows up.

I've been to the moon plenty. I don't ever want to go back.

She looked so sad. I knew the prison outbreak would cheer her up.

You'd have an imaginary friend too if you'd been stuck in here that long.

Off the Map Quotes

Practicing tropical medicine in a third-world country is a different game... You don't have high tech, you don't have big pharma - you have your brain, you have your instincts.


They don't give a crap about the work. They're just padding their resumes with a little third world do gooding.
