Pam: Hey.
Jim: Hey.
Pam: You OK?
Jim: Yeah.
Pam: You sure?
Jim: Yeah. Yes. Um, I'm just in this, like, stupid fight with Karen.
Pam: Oh. You want to talk about it?
Jim: Really?

Pam: [seeing a picture of Michael and Jan] Oh my God, is that Jan?
Michael: No... that's a German woman named... Urkel... grue.

Angela: Meredith, if you do not come to my party, you will be very, very sorry.
Meredith: Is that a threat?
Angela: No, it's an invitation.
Pam: We have vodka.
Karen: Yes. Lots of it.

Dwight: Pam and Karen! I am ordering you to cease and desist all party planning immediately.
Pam: You can't do that.
Dwight: As ranking number 3 in this office, I am ordering you to-
Andy: Ummm, I'm number 3.
Dwight: You're number 4.
Andy: Yeah, but I'm number 3.
Dwight: Uh, no.

Michael: Hey! I would like a nice slice of Christmas Pam. Side of candy Pams. And perhaps some Pam chops. With mint...
Pam: Can I help you, Michael?

Kinda sounds like prison is better than Dunder Mifflin.


Michael: You show me a white man you trust, and I will show you a black man that I trust even more. Pam, tell me a white person you trust.
Pam: My dad.
Michael: Danny Glover.

Michael: This is just like that show, Taxi Cab Confessions.
Pam: You say one more word, I'm stopping the car.
Michael: Sorry.

Michael: Pam. When Carol said no tonight, I think I finally realized how you must be feeling. We are both the victims of broken engagements.
Pam: Well, you were never really engaged.
Michael: I was in that marriage arena, though.
Pam: Yeah.
Michael: Yeah.

Pam: It's hot in there. How's the naan?
Angela: Dry. You look like you were having fun.
Pam: I am. You should come dance with us.
Angela: I have to watch our shoes, so they don't get stolen. Who were you texting?
Pam: No one.

I decided to come. Uh, I feel a little under-dressed, but at least I'm not dressed like a slutty cheerleader, right? Is that mean?


Pam: I just feel kind of tired, you know?
Dwight: Maybe you've got mono.
Pam: Maybe.

The Office Quotes

Pam: So I closed the door but the image of his...
Jim: Baquette.
Pam: ... dangling participle...
Jim: Eww.
Pam: ... still burned in my eyes.
Jim: I can imagine.

Mike gave me a list of his top ten Springsteen songs. Three of them were Huey Lewis and the News. One was Tracy Chapman, Fast Car. And my personal favorite, Short People.
