I'm afraid Duck Philips has tricked me into a job interview. I stand by my analysis, but I'm happy where I am.

Of course I love you. I'm giving up my life to be with you.

Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes.

Pete: Is Don on board with my promotion?
Duck: I'm the President, I don't need his permission, do I?

Peggy: It's my decision.
Pete: Your decisions affect me.

I found out yesterday that Head of Accounts is going to Kenny and his haircut.

Trudy: Have you been drinking?
Pete: The whole country is drinking!

Pete: Who would wanna miss Christmas in New York?
Trudy: Chestnuts roasting on a greasy man's open street cart, my goodness.

Who the hell is Dr. Lyle Evans?

Pete's Father in law: There's no reward in going down with the ship.
Pete: I have an agency. I'm a partner.

You did what was best for you because you're impatient and childish. You had a tantrum on a full page in the New York Times.

Pete: Where am I supposed to conduct business?
Roger: In the crapper for all I care.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
