Myka: You know, how can it matter if a person smells fudge before an incident?
Pete: Yeah, or if your gall bladder is feeling numb.
Artie: Humor me.

Myka: What did you find?

Pete: Well I checked a few of the dressing rooms and nobody has the picture of Dorian Gray hanging up for decoration.

Pete: I was just... keeping you on your toes.
Myka: Right. It's always my toes. What about your toes?

Pete: So, okay, who are these guys?
Artie: Former colleagues.
Pete: And.. and where are they now?
Artie: Well, um, this one and this one are dead. This one, a mental institution in Germany. And this last one disappeared. One day I'll find him.

Pete: Best assignment ever.
Myka: Try not to be 12 years old.

Myka: What happens in Doctor Doomsday?
Pete: Oh it's a really fun movie where he plays a mad scientist who blows up a whole town.
Myka: Probably less fun if you know... We all die.

Myka: Are you hit?
Pete: No, but I think my underwear is shot.

Very nice. You must be super fun on a date. Guys love that. All kick-ass action and no talking.

Myka: So, do you think this feels more like home now?
Pete: Nah, it's better.

Hello square one, we meet again

Myka: She's out of your league.
Pete: How do you know what my league is?
Myka: Not that I asked for them, but I've got season tickets.
Pete: That's good, I like that.

Myka: Who was that masked man?
Pete: That was no man, that was a superhero.