Burke: You look like a cartoon!
Caffrey: This is classic Rat Pack - this is Devore!
Burke: Oh, sorry, Dino.

Neal's smart and you know how much I like smart.

Peter: You moved?
Neal: (looking around the Park Ave mansion) Yeah, it's a nicer place don't you think?

It's perfect - even the coffee is freaking perfect!

Peter: Did you just lie to the priest?
Neal: Do you think Dianne is attractive?
Peter: Yeah
Neal: Then we're good.

Neal: There's nothing wrong with enjoying the good things in life Peter.
Peter: (looking around at the FBI confiscation room) But, then why does all the stuff end up here?

Neal: 64 and counting -
Peter: Why is it that when Neal Caffery throws a party 64 models show up?
Neal: No wait 65 - what? They were twins!

I prefer my miracles with smiting and might.

Neal: Oh ye of little faith..
Peter: You've been waiting to use that one.
Neal: Oh since lunch.

We may be sitting on the edge of a mob war.

A woman? A regular Cindiana Jones?

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.