Neal: You really shouldn't drink champagne in paper cups.
Peter: You will drink it and you will like it.

Peter: We just want to know who's behind it all.
Neal: (under his breath) So do I...
Peter: What was that?
Neal: Nothing.

Elizabeth: You gonna tell him that you met with Kate?
Peter: I don't think he trusts me enough. After the case, then we'll decide.

Peter: There's something I need to tell you. I know what the guy wants.
Neal: What guy?
Peter: The guy in the picture with Kate. I am going to need you to listen. Kate told me and now I am going to tell you.

(to Neal) You know you do Peter Pan.

My wife is inviting you to lunch - good thing is - I get to come too.

Now, now I am pissed off.

Peter: Hey there, you look thirsty.
Melissa: I would love a drink.

Neal: You're the only one.
Peter: The only one what?
Neal: The only person in my life that I trust.

You have a lot of rules for someone who doesn't play by them.

(about Daniel's new profile picture) He changed his profile to include the hat - he just keeps getting more adorable.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.