Nathan: Why did you save me? Why did you do it?
Peter: Because you're my brother, and I love you.
Nathan: It's not what I would have done.

Sylar: You're like me.
Peter: I will never let myself become you.
Sylar: You already are, brother.

Claire Bennet: Hey, what's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? Saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Peter Petrelli: I've been up here all night-thinking about this, thinking about my destiny.
Nathan Petrelli: What are you doing, Pete?
Peter Petrelli: It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!

Future Hiro: Should I freeze time?
Future Peter: No, I haven't had a good fight in years.

Peter: ...I-I think he was trying to read my mind. They were all like us!
Nathan: Dysfunctional?

Peter: Ever get the feeling you're meant to do something extraordinary?
Mohinder: I used to.

Peter: I can handle it.
Claude: Yeah, thats what they all say.
Peter: They? How many people have you taught, before me?
Claude: Come on, mate; I'll steal us a cab.

Peter Petrelli: Wow.
Mohinder Suresh: Solar eclipse.
Peter Petrelli: Yeah. Yeah, I wonder if it's gonna be total.
Mohinder Suresh: Not here, no. In some other part of the world, yes. A global event. Makes one appreciate just how small our planet really is. And we're all quite small really, aren't we?
Peter Petrelli: What's your name?
Mohinder Suresh: Mohinder.
Peter Petrelli: I'm Peter. Let me ask you something, Mohinder. Do you ever... get the feeling that you were meant to do something extraordinary?
Mohinder Suresh: I'm driving a cab you may have noticed
Peter Petrelli: No, I'm not talking about what you do. I'm talking about who you are. I'm talking about... being special.
Mohinder Suresh: Yes, we are all special.
Peter Petrelli: That's not what I meant.
Mohinder Suresh: Some individuals, it is true, are more special. This is natural selection. It begins as a single individual born or hatched like every other member of their species. Anonymous. Seemingly ordinary. Except they're not. They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung. It's destiny

Peter Petrelli: Where's the cheerleader?
Isaac Mendez: I don't know.
Peter Petrelli: But you painted her.
Isaac Mendez: You painted her too.

Angela Petrelli: You, in the meantime, with all your selflessness. Sitting with dying people... what, are you going to retire on what you make?
Peter Petrelli: Maybe I'll just shoplift my socks.

Peter: I found you for a reason. I think you're the one who has to teach me how to stop this.
Claude: There's no such thing. No teaching. No Sunday school for the special. What I can do, you can't learn. You wake up in the morning and its there. If you got thin soup then that's your supper. Sorry, Mate. That's the way it is.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys