Nathan Petrelli: I'm sorry. You're gonna have to go.
Peter Petrelli: I see. You know what? I'm just gonna go fly off the terrace. Yeah. No? Nathan, I can fly. So can you. Let's go do a couple of laps around the Statue of Liberty, and give this tweeter-guy something to really talk about.
Nathan Petrelli: You wouldn't.
Peter Petrelli: Hey?

Peter Petrelli: Where's the cheerleader?
Isaac Mendez: I don't know.
Peter Petrelli: But you painted her.
Isaac Mendez: You painted her too.

So wait, save the cheerleader, save the world?

Peter Petrelli: Peter: I... I think I died.
Claire Bennet: Claire Bennet: I've died before... it's no big deal.

Peter Petrelli: What are you doing here, Nathan?
Nathan Petrelli: [He tosses Peter's possessions bag at him] Let's go.
Peter Petrelli: You aren't going to ask what happened?
Nathan Petrelli: I *know* what happened. You got yourself in trouble, you nearly got yourself killed.
Peter Petrelli: I saved a girl.
Nathan Petrelli: Had to be a hero, didn't you? Get it out of your system now?
Peter Petrelli: I'm finally getting it, Nathan. I've had these dreams and when I was near them, I could do what they could do.
Nathan Petrelli: You look like hell.
Peter Petrelli: I was with that girl, and that guy that was trying to kill that girl, and this, this cop... I, I think he was reading my mind. They were all like us.
Nathan Petrelli: Dysfunctional?
Peter Petrelli: No... they... Nathan, I have to stop that bomb, I have to save everybody.
Nathan Petrelli: Right now I'd settle for you walking straight.

Peter Petrelli: You threw me off of a thirty-story building. If I didn't regenerate I would be dead.
Claude: You could have flown. Listen, if you hadn't had worked this one out you would have been hopeless anyway and I just diffused the biggest bomb ever.

Peter: Lightning.....lightning!....Sparks....lightning
Kaitlin: So you just have to shout it out? I'm just trying to understand how it works.
Peter: That makes two of us.

Claude Rains: Charles Darwin bred pigeons when he was working out his theory of evolution-married up various permutations to get maximum potential.
Peter Petrelli: What do you mean by that, 'maximum potential'?
Claude Rains: I think he meant you, friend.

Claude: This your place?
Peter: Yeah.
Claude: A guy with family connections like yours could do a lot better.
Peter: I left the family business. I'm a nurse now.
Claude: A nurse who's an empath. Very cute.
Peter: Empath? What's that mean?
Claude: It means you're a pain in my ass, Mate.

Peter: I know you want to help me. You're my big brother and you fix everything but you can't. You can't fix this one this time.
Nathan: Let's just sit down. We can figure this out.
Peter: Okay.
Nathan: Okay?
Peter: Okay. (Peter runs away)

Peter: I found you for a reason. I think you're the one who has to teach me how to stop this.
Claude: There's no such thing. No teaching. No Sunday school for the special. What I can do, you can't learn. You wake up in the morning and its there. If you got thin soup then that's your supper. Sorry, Mate. That's the way it is.

Peter: You?
Claude: You can see me.
Peter: You-- (Claude grabs Peter by the neck)
Claude: Nobody can see me! I'm invisible! Who are you!? How can you see me!?
Peter: (Choked) I don't know. I just do what you can do.
(Claude lets him down)
Claude: Fantastic. One of those.
Peter: One of those. What do you mean? You know someone else like me!? Hey, wait. Where are you going? You need to explain this! I saw you. I saw you in my dream. Who are you?
Claude: I'm no one. I'm the invisible man. I'm Claude Rains. Now get away from me! Forget you ever saw me!
Peter: Yeah, but, you know! What's happening to me? What is this? I found you. I need you to help me.
Claude: Why would I wanna do that?
Peter: Because, we're in danger. This entire city is in danger. It was in my dream. People die. We die. I don't know when, but it happens.
Claude: Then you better leave town.
Peter: Hey, where are you going!? You can't hide from me!
Claude: I'm the invisible man; I can walk 'round the corner and disappear forever.
Peter: Yeah, but I can see you. I'm gonna follow you.
Claude: Smarter men than you have tried and have paid for it. You stay away from me. And don't follow me!

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys