Peter: I can handle it.
Claude: Yeah, thats what they all say.
Peter: They? How many people have you taught, before me?
Claude: Come on, mate; I'll steal us a cab.

Peter: Earlier I saw you with, the uh, suture. Where'd you learn how to do that?
Emma: Clown college.

Tuko: We're talkin' football, yeah? Soccer?
Peter: I lost my memory. I'm not an idiot

[to Nathan] Hey, you know what? I'm just gonna fly off the terrace yeah? No? Hey, I can fly. Nathan so can you. Tell you what. Why don't you just race around the Statue of Liberty real quick. Huh? Give this tweedy cat something to write about.

Claude: [to Peter] What are you doing?
Peter: Something unexpected.

Sylar: Haven't I killed you before?
Peter Petrelli: Didn't take.

Nathan Petrelli: Brother versus brother... it's almost biblical.
Peter Petrelli: My brother can't walk through walls! Who are you?
Sylar: An old friend... the guy they blamed for blowing New York. But you and I know the real history, don't we Pete?

Peter: You saved my life!
Claire: Guess we're even.

Claire: Please tell me there's another way.
Peter: There is no other way.
Nathan: Yes there is, Claire. The future's not written in stone.

Peter: This isn't about you, all right? Something is happening to me, and I have this feeling that you're the only person that's gonna understand this.
Nathan: Why the hell would I understand that you think you can fly?
Peter: Because you're my brother.

Peter: You're flying, Nathan. You're flying. How did you-
Nathan: I don't know.

Claire Bennet: You... How did you...
Peter Petrelli: Where is he?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. He ran away before I got here.
Peter Petrelli: Police. Go get some help, okay?
Claire Bennet: Okay. I'll be back... Hey. What's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys