Fry: I heard that one time you single-handedly defeated a horde of rampaging somethings in the something-something-system.
Zapp Brannigan: The Killbots? A trifle! It was simply a matter of outsmarting them.
Fry: Wow! I never would have thought of that!
Zapp Brannigan: You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown. Kif, show them the medal I won.
(Kif then points to Zapp's chest where the medal is)

Fry: What does that mean?
Leela: Nothing.
Bender: So should we get our stuff and head down to the planet?
Leela: We just talked, OK?!

Leela: Hmm... he doesn't seem to be on the checklist.
Bender: So, you're saying we can cook him?
Fry: Yeah, a barbecue! I'll wear my hilarious apron.
Leela: No! I don't care how hilarious your apron is, we're not cooking him. Aww... I'll call him Nibbler.
Bender: Aww! (whispering to Fry) I'll fire up the grill.

Fry: How could you, Leela? I thought you had some standards. I mean, jeez, he's a dumb, gross gorilla!
Leela: That's enough! Don't you think I feel bad enough already?
Fry: No!

Fry: Wow! Way to tell that guy off. Now what's your secret escape plan?
Leela: Uh, I guess to sit here and wait for death.
Bender: Can do!

Fry: Hey listen Bender. Where's your bathroom?
Bender: Bath what?
Fry: Bathroom!
Bender: What room?
Fry: Bathroom!
Bender: What what?
Fry: Oh! Nevermind.

Fry: I give up, what's the catch?
Real Estate Agent: Oh, I assure you, there is no catch. Although we are technically in New Jersey.
(suddenly back at the Planet Express building)
Fry: Man, not even one place remotely liveable.

Hermes: Fry, mon, if you're going to be living in the office you could at least be on time for work.
Fry: I'm sorry. I was up really late poking through people's desks.

Leela: Do you know how long it's going to take me to recalibrate these engines?
Fry: Hey! When you look this good, you don't have to know anything.

Farnsworth: Oh, fuff! He's not causing any trouble. Now, if you don't mind, I'm rather busy. I seem to have mislaid my alien mummy. This sarcophagus should contain the remains of Emperor Nimballa, who ruled Zubin 5 over 29 million years ago.
Fry: Hey, Professor, great jerky!
Farnsworth: My God, this is an outrage! I was going to eat that mummy!

Sheesh! 40,000 channels and only 150 have anything good on.

Leela: Fry, sometimes in close quarters, people do inconsiderate things without realising it.
Fry: I know but I forgive you.
Leela: No, Fry, by "close quarters" I mean this office-
Fry: Uh-huh.
Leela: And by "people" I mean you!
Fry: Right.
Leela: And by "inconsiderate" I mean-
Fry: Leela! We're trying to watch TV.
Bender: Yeah. Would you kindly shut your noise hole?

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!