Rachel: Now class I want you to all go around and discuss what songs they like to hear me perform at sectionals.
Santana: You know what!!! *starts yelling*
Rachel: *Screams*

It tastes like pink. It tastes like pink!

Being thrown up on, it just does something to a person.

Rachel: Blaine and I have a lot in common.
Kurt: A sentiment expressed by many a hag by many dating a gay.

Your face tastes awesome.

Blaine Warbler, I'm gonna rock your world.

Rachel: Brittany, remember the rules: no sitting on anything!

Rachel: I've never even had a drink.
Finn: Seriously? No wonder I never got past second base.

Finn: It's not emotional or good or...
Rachel: It sucks.
Finn: Yeah.

Rachel: As our team leader and arbiter of all that is good, I must say: I don't think that song is good enough for regionals.

Brittany: What is that look called?
Rachel: Sexy school girl librarian chic.

Rachel: Why are my leg warmers on your arms?
Brittany: I got cold.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
