Richard: Maybe I can help.
Arizona: No, no you can't. Because as long as you're standing there breathing over my shoulder, I feel like I'm operating on a stack of dollar bills, 25 million dollar bills, and what I need to be invested in right now is this kid, so please, get the hell out of my O.R.

Bailey: I'm going to say a name and then you are going to tell me that you are not having an affair with her... Izzie Stevens.
Chief: What? (starts laughing)
Bailey: That's why you ignored the DNR, that's why you fired her, that's why the two of you were in your office screaming at each other. It is not funny. That girl has cancer, and a husband, and... yeah okay I know it's none of my business but it's now affecting people's lives.

Drinking feels a little bit like all I have left.


I am 45 days sober today. I am Richard and I am a grateful and recovering alcoholic.

The biggest influences in your life are sitting around you, right now.

Did you promise him you'll try or did you promise him he'll walk? Arrogant...

Make sure you're a shark, but not a minnow.

God made you short. Who made you quiet?

Young Richard: We took an oath. We're supposed to be healers.
Doctor: Ten years ago, you wouldn't even have been allowed in this program. Don't tell me what oath we take.

You're gonna make a hell of a surgeon, Dr. Bailey. Lose the smile!

Owen: Old school.
Richard: Old? Wow. I did not see that coming.
Cristina: You're adorable when you're slow.

It takes vision, Derek. And you don't have it.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
