I know you all have heard a lot of rumors, and I'm sorry for that. What I'm about to say will be hard to hear, and I'm sorry for that as well. The economic climate is... well you all know what it is. In the coming weeks Seattle Grace Hospital will be merging with Mercy West. I wish I could tell you you'll all survive the merger, but there are only so many jobs. And the board and I have some tough choices to make. I'm on your side people. I'm rooting for every one of you. All I can say is please, be at your very best.

Derek: We need to talk.
Richard: Look, I'm busy right now.
Derek: Are you making cuts?
Richard: I said I'm busy.
Derek: If you're making cuts in my department you need to consult with me.
Richard: When it's appropriate I'll consult the people I need to consult with.
Derek: People? I'm not people. I'm the guy that saved your ass. When Jennings came to me, you were done. Out of loyalty to you...
Richard: Loyalty? You came to me so you would seem like a good guy before you stole my job.
Derek: Are you making whole cuts or not?
Richard: Look, I said when I'm ready to tell my staff about decisions I will be making I will. When I'm ready. So, don't come barging in here like I owe you. I don't owe you a damn thing Derek. You work for me. I'm still the Chief of surgery at this hospital.
Derek: Then start acting like it!

Derek: Isobel Stevens spent 5 hours on her feet in surgery today. Not because she was ready to go back to work, but because she was scared. She's scared for her job and she was scared to show weakness. You don't have to talk to me, that's fine. But, you need to go out there and talk to your people. They need to hear from you.
Richard: Don't tell me about my people. I've been here for 30 years Derek. I know my people. I've spent every hour of the last 3 days saving every job that I could, but some tough choices had to be made. HR is sending out an email to the first round of people to be let go.
Derek: Richard.
Richard: Derek, I'm tired, I'm going home.

I know it hasn't exactly been easy around here the past few weeks, and I know you want answers. But, I'm afraid I don't know them. Not just yet.

The Mercy West staff will be arriving in 3 days, and when they do there will be more cut backs, and more layoffs. And, I need each and every one of you to step up and be leaders. And, when I can answer your questions I will. If you'd like to make an appointment to talk about your concerns we can do that.

Bailey: You've got end stage cirrhosis, and the only thing that can save your life is a transplant.
Lexie: How did it happen this fast?
Alex: He bathed it in Gin.
Lexie: Alex.
Thatcher: Your friends right. Except for the Gin. I was a scotch man. What's... what's the next step here? Can I get on a list?
Richard: Um, Thatcher, the transplant board has a rule here. An alcoholic has to be sober at least a year before he qualifies for a donor liver.
Thatcher: I'm only 90 days.
Lexie: I'll do it. I'll do it today. I'll go get tested right now.
Thatcher: Lexie.
Lexie: No, they just take a piece. My liver will regenerate.
Thatcher: I can't ask you to do something like that. It's major surgery.
Lexie: You're not asking. You're my dad. You want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those too.

Meredith: Is he dead?
Lexie: No.
Meredith: Oh.
Bailey: We rushed Dr Grey's labs. She wasn't a match.
Meredith: Oh, ok. What about Holly?
Lexie: Ah, you... Molly. Our sister?
Meredith: Yeah.
Lexie She lives at an army base with her husband in Bahrain. Plus, she has a history of DBT so she can't be a donor.
Meredith: Oh.
Richard: Meredith, we didn't call you here to... We thought you should know before we go in and tell him. Just incase.
Meredith: Right. Right, no. Thank you for keeping me in the loop. Thank you. I have to um, go prep for my surgery now. Ok.

Thatcher: Does the Chief always pay such attention to his patients, or just the ones whose wives he had an affair with? Sorry. How'd I do this to myself? How did I end up here?
Richard: You woke up every morning, and you promised yourself that last night would be your last drink. And you made it, till 9am. Or noon. Some days, till cocktail hour. And you were so pleased with yourself, that you rewarded yourself with a drink. You convinced yourself again, that it would be the only one. You have a disease Thatcher. When you're in it, you can't stop. You can't undo what you did. But, Meredith is offering you a second chance man. You need that liver. You need it now. If you want to live.
Thatcher: I took her childhood. I can't take anymore from her. You... you'd better take care of my girls. You owe me at least that.

Cristina: Sir.
Richard: Now's not the time, Yang.
Cristina: I have good hands. They're fast. They're dextrous. They were made to throw ties, and do complex procedures. These hands were made for surgery. Today they should have been deep inside a heart saving a life. Instead, they removed a tick, and pumped a penis.
Richard: What's your point?
Cristina: My point? You know what, you should cut me.
Richard: What?
Cristina: From the program. You have to make more cuts, and I should go. Cause if you can't give me a brilliant cardiothoracic attending whose willing to teach me, then I can't get what I need from this hospital. Everyone is scared of losing their job, and so am I. But, if I can't learn. If I can't use my gift, then I... I guess that scares me more. That's my point Sir.

Callie: Chief. Are you ok?
Richard: I have responsibilities. To make this hospital the best medical facility it could be. To repair what I have broken, even if it was 20 years ago. If I am now the bad guy, if I am now the villain here. Well, so be it.
Callie: This must be so hard for you.
Richard: Thanks Torres.
Callie: I was, I was gonna...I was... But, I'm gonna go. So, you take care ok.
Richard: Torres.
Callie: Sir?
Richard: Go see HR tomorrow. Tell them you're an attending at Seattle Grace Hospital and you want a new badge. And, take some of these danish home. They'll just go to waste.

Arizona: No, no, whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Richard: Move!
Arizona: No!
Richard: Dr. Robbins!
Arizona: I said no! Dr. Shepherd is operating on the inside of a man's spinal chord right now. Even the most minor disturbance could cause him to make a mistake on that patient- a patient who happens to work here, and whose life I personally would like to see Dr. Shepherd save. So no... you don't get to go in there and be a bully. Not today chief, not on my watch.

Derek: We can't keep doing this Richard. I'm tired of fighting you. Let's try and put this behind us and move on. I can if you can.
Richard: You're fired. Immediately. Get the hell out of my hospital.
Derek: Go home, sleep on it. We'll talk more tomorrow.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
