You're indoors and it's dark. Take off the sunglasses. You look stupid.

Me? Scared? No way, come on. Now excuse while I change my shorts.

So if by ingratiate myself you mean dazzle her with my Sherlockian genius then yes, that's exactly what I mean.

Here I am. Roguishly handsome and at your service. What do you need?

Martha: Off, Off Broadway.
Richard: Mother, that was New Jersey.
Martha: Off, Off Broadway, as I said.

This separation thing is getting really old.

Martha: Is that the old friend who almost got you killed a few years ago?
Castle: Yeah, like six times.

Castle: They've been through way too much together to give up on what they have.
Beckett: You're a wise man Castle, with a big heart and you're rather good looking too.
Castle: You might want to pace yourself with the flattery. You've got a whole dinner to get through.

No relationship can survive secrets or lies.

Castle: Kate, I have never given up hope, not since the day we met and that will never change until you tell me it should.
Beckett: Then don't change, ever.

Dad where are you? Dad are you all right? Dad call us right away. Dad can I go see Fame with Owen on Friday? Your concern is touching.

Martha: I told you, if you can't tell your mother what you're doing you should not be doing it.
Castle: Yes, when I was eight.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
