Amy: What a crazy party. What a crazy graduation.
Ricky: What a crazy life.

You have a boyfriend? Does your husband know?

You just start over. You take just take it one day at a time.

Do you want me to give mommy the ring?

He had to learn not to be like the wicked King and Queen when he grew up.

I wanna leave trouble alone and more than that, I want you to leave trouble alone.

You already showered? I was hoping we could shower together.

Don't we have an agreement about not talking in bed?

No one ever trusted me other than you, when I got busted I felt humiliated and felt like I let you down.

Nora: Maybe it has nothing to do with you.
Ricky: One would hope.
Nora: Yeah one would hope. But you're an idiot if it has nothing to do with you.

Ricky: When are you gonna marry me?
Amy: I don't know maybe when you stop trying to have sex with me when I'm trying to talk to you.

Incarceration has its consequences doesn't it?