Robin: A week from today we are going to be legend, wait for it...
Barney: Married!

You know what they call this in the Couv? BBQ weather!

Robin: Look at those girls Lily. Look at them and listen to what their "woos" are really saying.
Woman #1: Woooo!
Subtitle: I cry in the shower!
Woman #2: Woooo!
Subtitle: I've never been on a second date!
Woman #3: Woooo!
Subtitle: What if I never get to be a Mother?!
Woman #4: Woooo!
Subtitle: I'm secretly in love with Jillian!
Ted: Woooo!
Subtitle: My career and love life are heading nowhere!

Guys, I dated you both and neither of you is good at pressing or even finding the button.

Robin: You are gonna love Kelly, she's fun, she's smart, she lives in the moment..
Barney: Translation: She's ugly, she's ugly, she ugs in the ugly.
Robin: Oh, and she's totally hot!

Robin: We can split a cab to work together, we always have a standing lunch date, and last night, at the hockey game, Curt got us into the locker room and I met Mason Raymond. [gang looks clueless] Left wing for the Vancouver Canucks!
Barney: What's the opposite of name-dropping?

Barney: What does Carlos have that I don't?
Robin: A date tonight?
Lily: Ooh, stop the tape, rewind, play it again!
Robin: [makes rewind sound] A date tonight?
Barney: I'm not sure I like her

Robin: You wanna dance? Let's dance.
Barney: I live for the dance
Robin: Get your other hand, off my ass.
Barney: Sorry, sorry.

I've been the hookee and the hooker.

[Barney is stripping down...]
Robin: What the hell are you doing?
Barney: I'm birthday suiting up!

I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fly to Chicago, kill you, put your stupid face on a deep dish pizza and eat it. And then maybe catch a Bears game. But mostly the killing and eating your face thing.

Robin: Seriously, you take it.
Ted: You sure?
Robin: Slapsolutely.