Rufus: You know you don't have to do this ...
Lily: Well it's a little late for that. You look beautiful, Jenny.

I still really don't get how these events work.

[to Lily] Why did you stay with Cece after she got better instead of coming home to me?

Rufus: Lil, none of this is making any sense. Does this have anything to do with Serena?
Lily: Other than the fact that she won't speak to me? That she's holed up with some married politician acting like some teenage Rielle Hunter?

Rufus: What are you doing? Organizing the coat closet? I thought you did that yesterday. And the day before...
Lily: Vanya has organized a clothing drive. Coats for Kiev.
Rufus: Vanya's from Minsk.

Rufus: I thought you'd be in school by now.
Dan: I thought you'd be on the Upper East Side... with your wife.

Lily: I did kiss him.
Rufus: It must have been one Hell of a kiss for you to build all these lies around it.

[to Jenny] I know you like him but you can't hang around with people who are mixed up with drugs.

[to Jenny] I look at you and I don't see my daughter anymore.

Jenny: Thanks Dad. I really like Damien.
Rufus: [to Jenny] You're young, you'll get over it.

Rufus: Dirty Dancing?
Jenny: Yeah, it's corny but it's kinda good.
Rufus: Come on. It's totally good.

Maybe if musicians got off their blogs and picked up their guitars, the music business would be in better shape.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.