You introduce me to cool musicians and I'll introduce you to high school students.

Jen: What about the fondue set?
Ryan: I think we can manage without it.

Ryan: I would never cheat on you.
Jen: Honestly?
Ryan: Honestly.

Jen: I thought you said if I was honest with you, there was nothing I could do to scare you off.
Ryan: I was wrong.

They used to call me "wake and bake."

Laurel: Don't get your panties in a bunch.
Ryan: My panties are very much bunched right now.

I got into a little tussle with this chili dog and I have to admit defeat.

Ryan: I wanna do whatever I can to help raise this baby. Our baby.
Jen: I'll have nannies for that kind of thing.

Ryan: The last three weeks are all about the baby putting on weight.
Jen: Eww. Yuck. Who wants a chubby baby?

Debbie: What can we do to bring you down to mildly panicked?
Ryan: Rub a little whiskey on my gums?

Looks like principal's kid has some game.

Ryan: She is frightening. I think it's because she looks so much like Christopher Walken.
Deb: It's uncanny.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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