Why do you insist on making every mistake I made?

Amber: Poetry reading? Yeah, I'd rather sell an organ, but thanks for inviting me.
Sarah: You know what, if you don't change that attitude it may come to that, because I don't think you need both livers anyway.

Camille: I'm going to the market do you need anything?
Sarah: Could you get me a six pack of a different kind of intelligence.
Camille: What kind would you like?

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes