Dating Service Lady: Most women who found their mate, said "sense of humor' was the most important quality"
Sarah: I don't really want to date a fat guy

Dating Service Lady: A lot of girls don't mind skewing a little bit older.
Sarah: Oh, well then, 70's would be fine, as long as they're super rich and terminally ill

Sarah: ollingra ockra unchla
Conner: You've got a Rolling Rock lunch?
Mason: That's some code you got. He knows. He's coming with

Mason: Are you sure? Do other people think he likes you or is it just you that thinks that?
Sarah: Mason, I know who likes me and who doesn't like me. That Diane lady on Hydrenaline, doesn't like me. Rick, he likes me.

Sarah: They are a couple, Tom and Amy. Look.
Conner: Tom Fuller, that dog.
Sarah: Hey! Do either one of you understand what this means?
Conner: It means we have to find some way to tease and embarrass them

I know I said shampoo is not my thing, like I'm an anthropologist studying a bizarre alien race. But I have been working my ass off, all by myself and I still don't have a partner

Mason: I need you to cover for me.
Sarah: No Mason. The answer is no. It is my birthday.
Mason: I thought your birthday was yesterday.
Sarah: I had to push it. It didn't happen last night, so it has to happen tonight. The way my birthday goes is the way my whole years goes. You're not asking me to ruin my whole year are you?

Sarah: It's not a date. It's just two adults enjoying the night out together.
Conner: Isn't that the very definition of a date?

Maybe I am gay

Hector: So, you want to stop and get a drink before the party?
Sarah: I already did

Sarah: Hey, I heard you got Spike Jonze.
Mason: Heard you're a lesbian.

I'm just saying, if you're concerned about the gay rumor, might want to cut down on your dates with lesbians

Tom [to Sarah]

Trust Me Quotes

Conner: You need to get this boat.
Mason: I can't afford it.
Conner: Be a good American and finance it.

You've been carrying me? I've been carrying you so long I have scoliosis

Mason [to Conner]