Skye: You two don't have a single thing in common unless you have some Enya albums you've been hiding.
Coulson: No, nothing in common at all.
Skye: I take that back.

Coulson: We may actually have a shot at finding the city.
Skye: Are you sure it's something you want to dig up?
Coulson: If we don't, HYDRA will. We need to get there first.

Tripp: Isn't that in the Bermuda Triangle? 'Cause that would explain a lot.
Coulson: Actually, it doesn't have anything to do with the triangle. We solved that back in the 80's.
Tripp: Ah Atlantis?
Coulson: Try Puerto Rico.
Skye: These white markers represent vertical airshafts that are close to the surface. Possible entry points for the city but most of them are under the ocean floor.
Coulson: Except for one, here, in Old San Juan where we'll enter the underground city. A survey team will test the tunnels structural integrity then locate the temple.
Simmons: And then what sir?
Coulson: We blow the hell out of it.

Raina: Before I met your father I was a lost soul with no clue where I belonged.
Skye: The daughter he never had.
Raina: No, no one could ever replace you Skye. You're all he wants. Be honest Skye, haven't you ever felt lost? Or had that feeling that you were part of something bigger. Like you were special?
Skye: When you say special, what you really mean is alien?
Raina: Is that what you believe? We're human Skye, we just have the potential to be more. But the Diviner, now that is most definitely alien.
Skye: Where do you get this stuff? My father?
Raina: Partly, but my grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story about the blue angels that fell from the Heavens. The ancients called them The Kree.

Cal: You have to finish what we started.
Skye: No I don't, I'm not going down there. I'm not going to change or transform or whatever the hell you think is going to happen.
Cal: Why can't you see it's a good thing?
Skye: Maybe it's all the dead bodies laying around or the fact that HYDRA wants it. I'm going to make sure that your Obelisk never gets down into that city. And you're gonna leave. This is your one chance to walk away or I will kill you.
Cal: Okay I'll go, but I'll be waiting for you. After you change no one else will understand. They'll be afraid, change is terrifying. But I'm your father and I love you. I will always love you Daisy.

Raina: Your whole life, our whole lives have been leading to this one moment.
Skye: Sorry, I don't buy into the whole this is your destiny thing. We're taking the Obelisk and we're leaving. There are too many lives at stake.
Raina: You've got it all wrong. Whitehall, everyone has got it all wrong. This doesn't destroy, it gives life; new life. We finally get to find out what we become.

Skye: I keep thinking Trip is going to come see me. Make fun of me for being stuck in quarantine. Call me a goldfish or hamster or something. And every time I wake up, I remember all over again. I just can't believe he's not coming back. He should not have been down there.
Coulson: You both went in for a good reason. To prevent Hydra from starting a cataclysm.
Skye: He was trying to save me.
Couslon: He may have saved all of us. The Obelisk triggered a massive earthquake. Imagine how much worse it could have been if he hadn't destroyed it? He died a hero.

Skye: The whole room was shaking. Fitz, the gun in my hand exploded.
Fitz: Aw God.
Skye: I thought that I could handle it, but I can't it's too much. I think we need to tell Coulson what's happening.
Fitz: Hang on, wait until I've analyze...
Skye: I can't control it when I get upset or nervous.
Fitz: I'm running that diagnostic on your blood samples right now. Hopefully when it's done we'll have a solution.

Vin-Tak: Asgardian, well that explains a lot.
Lady Sif: It is true, we do not trust Kree. That is why I am here. When Heimdall saw that one landed on your world, Odin charged me with retrieving him.
Vin-Tak: So you came to pick a fight.
Lady Sif: We know enough about Kree history to be concerned.
Vin-Tak: Well then if you know Kree history perhaps you've heard the tale of Terragenesis?
Lady Sif: Of course, ancient Kree descending on planets altering the inhabitants to fight their war.
Vin-Tak: And Earth was one of them.
Skye: Blue angels who fell from the sky.
Lady Sif: Eons ago the Kree waged a very long war. Casualties were high and they needed more soldiers.
Agent May: You mean cannon fodder.
Vin-Tak: We needed killers. One vicious faction among the Kree genetically modified other creatures' DNA. These modifications can be activated with Terrigen Crystals.
Lady Sif: We know these torturous experiments failed.
Vin-Tak: Not on Earth, here we had to shut them down. This faction had built a city. They brought with them the Diviners, which hold the crystals. Their plans were discovered and thwarted by the better of my kind. Putting an end to that dark chapter of our past.
Skye: Until now.

My entire life I've been searching for my parents, and my search ended with answers that are so much worse than I could have imagined.

Dr. Garner: I'm not here to discuss my ex.
Skye: Did you guys have actual conversations? You know like pillow talk? Or was it just pillow stern looks?

Coulson: I'm sorry about everything that's happening Skye.
Skye: Not your fault. The blame begins and ends with my dad.
Coulson: Well, you wouldn't be the first person to have parents with misguided intentions.
Skye: Nope, just the first whose crazy dad lured her to an alien city to get earthquake powers.
Coulson: Yeah.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.