I'm in no mood for lesbian weirdness tonight Pam.

Godric: Do you believe in God?
Sookie: Yes, I do.
Godric: If you're right, how will he punish me?
Sookie: God doesn't punish, he forgives.
Godric: I don't deserve it. But I hope for it.
Sookie: We all do.

I don't want to baby-sit this psycho while you go take a nap.

A 3,000-year old vampire wants to suck my blood. Must be Thursday!

I don't know how you did things in the 1800s, but keeping a file on the woman you love is... creepy.

Eric: You really believe he is trustworthy?
Sookie: All I know is I sure as hell can't trust you.

Sookie: Can all vampires fly?
Eric: Can all humans sing?
Sookie : Are you kidding? I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on it.

Bill: I remember when ladies clothing stores sold petticoats.
Sookie: That's so weird.
Bill: Actually I sort of miss my times. Clothes left something to the imagination and required a certain skill to get past.
Sookie: I think there's a Halloween store around here that sells them.
Bill: You're such a tease

Just once I'd like to not find a dead body in my house. Is that asking too much?

Sookie: I'm sorry if I got you into any trouble tonight.
Bill: Don't apologize. We vampires are always in some kind of trouble. I'd prefer to be in it with you

I feel better protecting myself, now that I know I am basically vampire crack.

Pam: She smells.
Sookie: Is that bad?
Pam: Can't imagine it's good.

True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Eric: You surprise me. That's rare in a breather.
Sookie: You disgust me.
Eric: Perhaps I'll grow on you.
Sookie: I'd prefer cancer

True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes