Bones: I always enjoy learning something.
Booth: Well, how about learning how to have fun, Bones?

Booth: We haven't been away since Christine was born.
Bones: I have.
Booth: You were running away from the police.

Bones: I confess that in a moment of weakness I took the opportunity to make Dr. Wells feel bad about himself.
Booth: He deserves it. Trust me. It's probably the first time he's met someone that's smarter than him.

Booth: If you could travel through time where would you go?
Bones: I'm already there. Here.
Booth: What?
Bones: Here. The difference between past and future is nowhere to be found in the laws of physics. Everything I want or need is here. Right now.

Wells: Just because something is theoretically impossible doesn't mean that it's not possible.
Bones: I believe that is exactly what it means.

Wells: You shy away from randomness and that prevents you from casting a wide net.
Bones: Are you saying that I'm narrow-minded?
Wells: Your words, not mine.

Bones: My IQ is quantifiably higher than yours.
Booth: You know what, you're the brains of the outfit.
Bones: You have your strengths, Booth.
Booth: Well, I try
Bones: Trying is one of your strengths.

Bones: Booth, do you ever let me think I'm the smart one when you've figured it out already?
Booth: No.
Bones: Because that would be ridiculous.

Sweets: You've been reading my psychology books again.
Bones: You leave them in the bathroom. They're good reading in the tub.

[to Cam and Angela] In high school I did a report concerning the effects of alcohol on muscle coordination. It was quite amusing.


Booth: You're not always the smartest, Bones.
Bones: But I am.

[to her mother] If this was real, I'd tell you I love you. And I miss you.


Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones