Livia: It's not easy being abandoned, is it?
Junior: Look to yourself.

Junior: You have a lot of sense for an old girl.
Livia: No, I'm a babbling idiot. That's why my son put me in a nursing home.

Livia: I'm happy for ya Junior. I know how long you waited ta be made boss. Just don't let certain people take advantage of your good nature like they did to Johnny.
Junior: What certain people? Nobody got over on Johnny. Nobody's gonna get over on me.

Junior: I always thought you could make the pros. You could have done it. You had a swing like Joe D.
Tony: You're crazy.
Junior: What? You think I'm fucking you?
Tony: Yeah, I could barely hit .250.
Junior: That's because you didn't want it. Too busy chasing skirt. Chasing skirt, your average was .500.

Uncle Junior: I don't go down often enough.
Carmela: That's not what I hear.

If you can't get your friends jobs, what's the purpose of attaining success?

We don't run, it's embarrassing.

When I was a little kid, no older than that, I always used to wonder why nobody collected prayer cards like they collected baseball cards. Thousands of bucks for Honus Wagner and jack shit for Jesus.

The Sopranos Quotes

(to Mahaffey) That's a shame. A medication comes along after your gambling gets your fucking hip busted to shit.

Big Pussy

Dr. Melfi: Have you ever had a prostate exam?
Tony: Are you kidding? I don't let anyone wag their finger in my face.