Vanessa: Actually, The dorm is throwing this huge South Beach party today..
Dan: Great, I love parties.
Vanessa: And I'm going with Paul..
Dan: I love Paul!

[to Dan] By the way, I'm not wearing any underwear.

[to Dan] I didn't know you were applying to the writing program. It's really competitive? There are only a few spots for NYU transfers? I hope you get in.

Dan: I'm glad you got in.
Vanessa: You are?
Dan: Yeah, and hey, they also wished me the best of luck in my future endeavors. So, not a total loss.

Vanessa: What other possible reason could there be in the God-I-Don't-Believe-In's Universe for Georgina Sparks to be leaving lingerie around your house?
Dan: Meet Milo. He's our son.

Vanessa: I have to ask, as will Rufus - are you sure Milo's yours?
Dan: Of course he is. I mean I'm pretty... I'm pretty sure.
Vanessa: You didn't have a paternity test?

Dan: I'm so sorry about not calling, but there is a reason.
Vanessa: Is it because you've become a hoarder?

Dan: Sorry, I'm so tired lately, Milo's been really colicky.
Vanessa: The fact that you even know what that means is scary.
Dan: You'd be shocked at what I know about breast milk, baby poop, and episiotomies.
Vanessa: Wow, do not mention her Geor-gina.

We're talking about Georgina Sparks. Her hair lies!

Vanessa: Stop. Talking.
Dan: You know I'm not good at that.

Dan: It's a really weird, embarrassing thing for a college guy to be admitting but ... losing Milo broke my heart.
Vanessa: I know. Mine too.

Juliet: What did you expect me to do? I had to protect myself.
Vanessa: You're right. You do.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.