Vance: Are you all right? Is it over?
Ziva: It's over.

Ziva: I went to Israel to bury my father. It was a moment of weakness. I felt alone.
Tony: You need to talk to legal.
Ziva: No I don't.
Tony: My Hebrew must not be as good as I thought. Because I could have sworn that when I dropped you off at the airport I told you that you are not alone.
Ziva: Yes you did.
Tony: Well then. We must have different interpretations.

Parsons: After spending a few hours in a car with him I can say that Agent DiNozzo is a capable investigator..
Ziva: More than capable. Unfortunately he can also be quite a child.
Tony: This was a mistake.

Ziva: I'm sorry Tony. I know you wanted the car but I just didn't think it was a good idea to sell it to you.
Tony: Why not?
Ziva: Because I really liked my Mini.
Tony: Me too!
Ziva: And I didn't want anything to happen to it.
Tony: What are you saying?
McGee: She's saying you're a car killer.
Tony: What?
Ziva: A car killer.
Gibbs: Everybody needs a hobby.

Tony: Well hey there Speedy Gonzales huh? You almost killed Marlon from accounting.
Ziva: I'm sorry Tony. I'm still getting used to how this thing drives.
Tony: The world is still getting used to how you drive.

Ziva: I'm sorry if I hurt you in all of this. It was never intended. Tony, I care too much about our...friendship. I do not want it to be awkward between us.
Tony: Hey. [Kisses her forehead.] Nothing's awkward between friends.

Ziva: Gibbs you cannot do this alone. You have to let us help.
Gibbs: Hey - it is not your job!
Ziva: It is not about my job. This is about my family!

Ziva: Tony. You are so...
Tony: Handsome? Funny? What?
Ziva: Loved.

Ziva: Why are you here?
Tony: Because you invited me.
Ziva: That was before.
Tony: Before what?
Ziva: You should not have come.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?