Richie: Deep dish pizza. A lake as big as an ocean. The cubbies.
Tina: Is that a hiaku?
Richie: No. I was just listing all the things that you missed out on by turning down the University of Chicago.

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Minx Season 2 Episode 2: "I Thought the Bed Was Gonna Fly "
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Minx Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Bambi: Do you judge people when they get cavities? Or is it nice to feel needed?
Lenny: Well, is it crazy if I say it's a little bit of both?

Joyce: Nice can, by the way.
Doug: It's a walking stick. Churchill had one.
Joyce: So did Willy Wonka.
Constance: Oh, let him have his moment. Poor man already feels like an appendage.