Coulson: They couldn’t have a psychic. They’re not on the index. They’re a myth.
Skye: So is Thor.

Ward: She wasn’t level 7 sir?
Coulson: She was a cellist, second chair. Portland Symphony; saw her play whenever I was in town. Ever see a beautiful woman play the cello?
Ward: nun-uh.
Coulson: It’s something else.

May: What is your gut telling you now.
Coulson: That she's still hiding something.

Raina: Your whole life, our whole lives have been leading to this one moment.
Skye: Sorry, I don't buy into the whole this is your destiny thing. We're taking the Obelisk and we're leaving. There are too many lives at stake.
Raina: You've got it all wrong. Whitehall, everyone has got it all wrong. This doesn't destroy, it gives life; new life. We finally get to find out what we become.

I'm not saying this is a good plan, but after all the carving and searching and obsessing; I'm pretty damn curious to see what all the fuss is about.


I’m just saying this could easy go sideways. The last time we saw this guy he was a raging homicidal manic [Mike walks up] He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?


Cal: You have to finish what we started.
Skye: No I don't, I'm not going down there. I'm not going to change or transform or whatever the hell you think is going to happen.
Cal: Why can't you see it's a good thing?
Skye: Maybe it's all the dead bodies laying around or the fact that HYDRA wants it. I'm going to make sure that your Obelisk never gets down into that city. And you're gonna leave. This is your one chance to walk away or I will kill you.
Cal: Okay I'll go, but I'll be waiting for you. After you change no one else will understand. They'll be afraid, change is terrifying. But I'm your father and I love you. I will always love you Daisy.

Simmons: What if the city didn't kill Mack but co-opted him, made him a part of it.
Fitz: Like zombie ants.
Simmons: Yeah, maybe it's like the fungus that fear Cordyceps. It possesses and transforms ants into creatures that do its bidding. Maybe the city didn't kill Mack, it's just controlling him. If Mack's alive there's still hope we can save him.

Skye: It would be a lot shorter if I could access more files. Maybe remove my internet nanny. I’m talking about my track bracelet.
Coulson: I got that.
Skye: So you’ll take it off?
Coulson: No.

Tripp: How the hell did they find us? We were cloaked.
Ward: Raina's tracker. Old frequency S.H.I.E.L.D. used during the cold war. What can I say, I'm a history buff.

He is risen! What an improvement! Last time I saw you, you looked like an extra from Dawn of the Dead.


Raina: Before I met your father I was a lost soul with no clue where I belonged.
Skye: The daughter he never had.
Raina: No, no one could ever replace you Skye. You're all he wants. Be honest Skye, haven't you ever felt lost? Or had that feeling that you were part of something bigger. Like you were special?
Skye: When you say special, what you really mean is alien?
Raina: Is that what you believe? We're human Skye, we just have the potential to be more. But the Diviner, now that is most definitely alien.
Skye: Where do you get this stuff? My father?
Raina: Partly, but my grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story about the blue angels that fell from the Heavens. The ancients called them The Kree.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.