Raina: Before I met your father I was a lost soul with no clue where I belonged.
Skye: The daughter he never had.
Raina: No, no one could ever replace you Skye. You're all he wants. Be honest Skye, haven't you ever felt lost? Or had that feeling that you were part of something bigger. Like you were special?
Skye: When you say special, what you really mean is alien?
Raina: Is that what you believe? We're human Skye, we just have the potential to be more. But the Diviner, now that is most definitely alien.
Skye: Where do you get this stuff? My father?
Raina: Partly, but my grandmother came from a long line of special people who believed in a story about the blue angels that fell from the Heavens. The ancients called them The Kree.

You said if you needed some ghost bustin...

Robbie [to Mack]

Coulson: I wanted you to pay close attention to the "Index Asset Evaluation and Intake Process" because someday you’ll be really good at it, even the best.
Skye: Thanks AC.
Coulson: Maybe you’ll get to rename it.
Skye: Good, causes that name is super stupid.
Coulson: I know.

  • Permalink: I know.
  • Rating: Unrated

I promise you, I am the man for this job. Because I'm not just a man. I'm an Inhuman.

Director Mace

Trust must be earned with random, non-invasive testing.

Director Mace

So please, help me, help the U.S.A., help us.

Director Mace [to Simmons]

Jemma: I just feel guilty. All the time. How do you make it stop?
May: You don't. You use it, channel it.
Jemma: Is that what you're doing?

For all the miseries endured to rescue helpless, little Agent Simmons.


Gabe: I thought you were dead.
Robbie: 'Cause I was dead.

That's the deal I made. I swore to go after those who spilled innocent blood, and I was reborn.


Simmons: We were in the bottom of the ocean in a storage pod, left for dead and Fitz, he said something that caught me completely off guard.
Bobbie: Ah those three little words.
Simmons: Yes, well no. I mean, not exactly. I barely had a moment to process what he was saying or how I felt about it. Next thing I know he's giving me the oxygen, water's rushing in and he's laying there in the hospital bed so pale.
Bobbie: How long was Fitz in the coma?
Simmons: Nine of the longest days of my life. When it finally broke, he couldn't speak. He just stared at me confused. All I wanted to do was help him. All I wanted was my best friend back.

Thank you Nerd Herd, I'm going to go call Coulson.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.