Coulson: I can’t think of a single time when anything alien in human hands ended well.
Skye: Wouldn't mind getting my human hands on Thor. He’s so dreamy.
Coulson: Sure he’s handsome but
May: No he’s dreamy.

Ward: You’re right, he’s Asgardian.
Coulson: Good thing. That would have been awfully embarrassing.

Coulson: Do you know Thor?
Prof Randolph: Oh sure, I spend all my days palling around with the future King of Asgard. NO, I don’t know Thor.

Prof Randolph: I know that look, you’re tempted. What is it that you want to see?
Coulson: You and I have a lot in common. We both have been stabbed in the heart.

Fitz: You! Do not touch that!
Skye: Alright, I get it, I’ll go do your stupid Hogwarts School or whatever.

You can't undo what's been done, that will be with you forever. But trying hold to this life, clinging to the person you thought could be, that's hell.


Coulson: What did you say to her?
Melinda: The same words you said to me in Bahrain.

Coulson: I wanted you to pay close attention to the "Index Asset Evaluation and Intake Process" because someday you’ll be really good at it, even the best.
Skye: Thanks AC.
Coulson: Maybe you’ll get to rename it.
Skye: Good, causes that name is super stupid.
Coulson: I know.

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Skye: It would be a lot shorter if I could access more files. Maybe remove my internet nanny. I’m talking about my track bracelet.
Coulson: I got that.
Skye: So you’ll take it off?
Coulson: No.

I’m just saying this could easy go sideways. The last time we saw this guy he was a raging homicidal manic [Mike walks up] He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?


Ward: She wasn’t level 7 sir?
Coulson: She was a cellist, second chair. Portland Symphony; saw her play whenever I was in town. Ever see a beautiful woman play the cello?
Ward: nun-uh.
Coulson: It’s something else.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.