Michael: Excuse me. I'm looking for an Hermano.
Soap Actor #1: (in Spanish, subtitled) My brother? Right there.
Michael: Right there, in the green? Great. Thanks. Gracias. Hermano. Are you Hermano?
Soap Actor #2: (in Spanish, subtitled) My brother? Right there.
Michael: That's the guy who just ...
Soap Actor #2: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Son of a bitch.

Gob: I'm gonna speak very carefully in case she's with you.
Michael: You're right.
Gob: Right about what? She's there? What's going on? Who's with you? If it's Marta, say "nobody."
Michael: Nobody.
Gob: Well, now I don't know what's going on!

Narrator: And suddenly Buster realized Marta was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Buster: I've been dating an old lady.

Buster: Hey, brother, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your speech yesterday -- about family and being true to ourselves.
Michael: Oh ... well, I'm glad it made an impact.
Buster: Yeah. I never want to look at mom again.

Hey, brother-in-law.


Tobias: No, no, no, there's a shower scene? I have to be nude?
Carl Weathers: Hey, you don't shower with your clothes on, now, do you?

Marta: Well, as you said, finding out who you really are, it can be painful, but you can't live a lie.
Michael: No, I can't, but some people find a way to make that work.

Michael:So, on a very unusual Valentine's Day, cheers to Mom and Dad, to Buster and Lucille....
Buster: Don't forget my girlfriend.
Michael: That's who I meant.

Tobias: 14 years of lies. Yes, I'm the doctor. The perfect husband. The big manly man. The big strong daddy. Do you know the last time that I made love to my wife?
George Michael: No.
Tobias: I'll tell you when.
George Michael: No, don't.

George Michael: What are you doing?
Maeby: I'm just trying to throw stuff at my dad's head, but the wind keeps taking it.

Jessie: Daddy lost his shot at happy and it's all your fault, Opie.
Narrator: Jessie had gone too far and she had best watch her mouth.

Gentlemen, we do not wave our genitals at one another to make a point!

George Sr.

Arrested Development Season 1 Quotes

Um, I forget their name, but I know they're hungry. I think some are thirsty.


(talking about the money their fund-raiser brought in) Well, most of that money was from the Bluth Company. I mean, how ...
(Michael looks surprised) ... are you?
