Sweets: Underneath your affable exterior, is a deep reservoir of rage ... my question is: You always have that under control?
Booth: You know if I didn't you'd be dead right now instead of just wincing.
Sweets: I'm not wincing.
Booth: Don't ever bring my old man up again. (Booth turns around and leaves the room.)
Sweets: Rats, I winced!

Sometimes when I don't have any clean underwear I go commando.


So we would be acquiring the home of a convicted felon?


Bones: If you had released the remains to me when I had asked and Mr. Vaziri had removed the flesh, then we'd have never have found cause of death.
Cam: Thank you.
Bones: Why are you thanking me? I'm simply stating a fact.
Cam: I'm thanking you for stating the fact that you were wrong.
Bones: Oh. You're welcome.

Angela: I'd- I'd like to know if Wendell is alright.
Hodgins: He's doing much better than I did after we broke up.
Angela: Well I don't want to be the kind of person who leaves this, string of good-hearted guys behind her, you know?
Hodgins: Ange, we broke up, you know? You did not dump me, and Wendell is fine. And I gotta tell you, I think, I think you left him in- in better shape than you found him.
Angela: I don't know about that, I mean, I'm pretty sure he was born that way.
Hodgins: Still, he is better for having known you, Angela.
Angela: How can you be sure?
Hodgins: Because I've been there.

Brennan: What happened? You're no longer in the Jeffersonian, all my interns—gone.
Cam: What happened is you put your own desires ahead of everything else when you left.
Brennan: Are you angry with me?
Cam: Yes, I am angry, Dr. Brennan. We had a great thing going. You just … you let it fall apart.

Well, they gave me medication. So I feel how I imagine people of average intelligence feel, all the time.

Brennan: Booth, you've been shot and beaten, and jumped out of airplanes. The skeletal damage alone is…
Booth: Oh, God, I'm falling apart.
Brennan: You're fine. It's your skeleton that's falling apart.

Brennan: (after seeing Booth hit a guy during a hockey game) I do not know how I feel about this.
Sweets: It's very primal.
Cam: I like it. Just a little too much.

Hodgins: After much effort and expertise, I found -- calcium sulfate and flecks of grade 3003 H14 Aluminum.
Wendell: How are either of those in any way cooler than discovering a saw, hm?
Cam: I'll let Dr. Brennan know that we are looking for a saw which can cut through metal. And you don't have to fight, you both did well. (to herself as she leaves the room) I run a kindergarden.

It appears I've hurt your feelings.


I do not accept the premise that cryptozoology is a science.


Bones Quotes

You're looking at her fruits?

Booth[to Sweets]

Brennan: What have you done?
Hodgins: Baking soda. It's not just for cooking any more.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones