When I get high I realize that I clench my anus.


Jonathan: Sal, I'm scared.
Sal: That is okay. All fighters are scared, but once you get into the ring, you are like a God.
Jonathan: But I'm agnostic.
Sal: I'll say a prayer for you.

I don't have to go to rehab. I have cancer.


Leah: Her name's Allison. She's a radical vegan.
Lisa: I know a lot of radical vegans. She must be really lonely.

I'm so glad that possibly my last erection is with you.


Jonathan: Now you want a spanking?
Nina: Don't break character.

Lately, I've been going nuts over women's arms. Actually, the arm... pit. I just love it. It's this... other secret place to burrow into. But you don't have to slide far down the bed to get to it. Maybe it's laziness, I don't-- I don't know.


Jonathan: Your therapist sounds crazy!
George: I know, I know, but most therapists are. That's what gives them insight.

It's all organic game — rabbits that have been shot naturally in the woods, that sort of thing.


Men face reality. Women don't. That why men need to drink.


Nobody's really loved for themselves. Are they? I mean, all love is projection.


Claudia Worth: Are you a man or a boy?
Jonathan: Well... what's the difference?
Claudia Worth: With a man, you feel like you're being taken, and you like it. And with a boy, you feel like they're stealing something from you, and you don't like it.