Michael: I get the feeling that you didn't call me in for a high-five
Max: You know no good deed goes unpunished.

Michael: One bad break out there and a good man dies.
Sam: Nobody said what we do is easy.

Sam: What's the odds you're going to forget all of this and use that Spa gift certificate?
Michael: Zero
Sam: Ok, I'm on it

Jessica: you know I am broke I can't afford to pay you anything; unless you accept frozen yogurt.
Michael: Deal!

You're really hard to shop for Mikey; what do you get the guy who has, well, nothing.


I know you're going through some stuff; but half of you is better than all of most people.


Mike, we've always known you were crazy; we just don't want you going crazy crazy.


Nate: how's Fiona, mom says you're living together.
Madeline: Yeah, It's moving fast, at this rate they will be married by the time they are 60.

It is a new job Fi, but it's not a new life, I like my life; and I want to live it with you, here. I want you to move in.


Madeline: Here, you that to fix up your Dad's Charger.
Michael: Maybe it's time to leave the past in the past.
Madeline: Maybe it's time to stare down the past down and deal with it. It happened, for better for worse; it made us who we are.

Michael: You do as I tell you!
Madeline: Don't tell me what I can't do! You can play your father in there, but not out here.

Hey if your firm wants to loan us any more of its fancy toys; no complaints here.


Burn Notice Season 5 Quotes

Michael: Don't you think we would be more comfortable on the bed?
Fiona: What makes you think I care if youíre comfortable?

Raines: I know Michael, you want answers
Michael: No, Raines, I need answers.