Oh so many layers to the Beckett onion however will you peel them all.


Beckett:Did you know they call you the White Whale?
Castle:The White Whale? Not Moby D

Esposito:Nice dress.
Beckett:I would let you borrow it Esposito but you stretched out the last one

You got to watch those silhouettes they can be shifty little bastards.


Beckett: Be careful, okay?
Castle: Do I detect actual concern for my well-being?
Beckett: Screw this up, and I'll kill you.
Castle: That's more like it.

Beckett: Six months.
Castle: Six months what?
Beckett: We dated for six months.
Castle: I didn't ask.
Beckett: Yea, I know. You were not asking very loudly.
Castle: I know, I'm like a Jedi like that.

Beckett: (Clears throat) Ahem. What's the deal with men and boobs, anyway?
Castle: Biological. We can't help it.
Beckett: But doesn't it bother you that they're so obviously not real?
Castle: (Pauses) Santa's not real. We still love opening his presents.

By hand? That's like life before TiVo.

Alexis: How come we never had a nanny?
Castle: Well, your mother and I decided if someone was going to screw you up, we wanted it to be me. Only, you managed to turn out fine somehow anyway.

(to Kate about marriage) You'd be good at it. You're both controlling and disapproving. You should really try it.

Castle: We could always make it strip poker.
Kate: Sorry, but I prefer mystery to horror.

Kate: Okay, Castle, but it's accompany and observe, not participate and annoy. Got it?
Castle: Participate and annoy is a lot more fun, but alright.

Castle Season 1 Quotes

This isn't one of your books, Castle!


Kate: Are you here to annoy me?
Castle: I'm here for the story.