Castle, I could use a silver lining right now.


Rick: Mom, we are totally doing battle on the field of honor.
Martha: How old are you?
Rick: Old enough to afford top-of-the-line laser tag.

Castle can be a pain in the ass, but he thinks outside the box.

Captain Montgomery

Folks, we live here. Our families, our loved ones, our neighbors. I don't have to tell you what's at stake.


How could you not know the man you are sharing a bed with is a terrorist?


I wish that I had someone who could be there for me and I could be there for him and we could do it together.


With one foot out the door, it's hard to know where you stand.

For reasons too disturbing to mention, I find that hot.

Best. Dad. Ever.

You know Beckett, she keeps it close to the vest.


Kate: Look I signed up for this when I put that badge on. You didn't. It's not your fight.
Rick: The hell it isn't. I don't run around you just to annoy you, I don't write up murder scenes in the middle of the night to satisfy some morbid curiosity. If that's all this was I would have quit a long time ago.
Kate: Then why do you keep coming back Rick?

Richard Castle believes in you and I believe in him.


Castle Season 3 Quotes

He really is ruggedly handsome.

Ryan (looking at cutout of Castle)

Ryan: (drops egg off desk)
Beckett: Are you guys reenacting the "Humpty Dumpty crime scene?"