A little well done but we're alright Chief.


Hermann: I'm telling you guys we're going to get crushed.
Otis: The optimism, it's really inspiring.

Let me tell you about one minute. I've been there, most of us have. In my case I was sure, surer than you are right now even. That if I'd had that one minute I would've been able to go in there and rescue those people. My best buddy and I we went running back in, the fire was trapped in the ceiling. We couldn't see it so we didn't know. We didn't have one minute, we lost the victims, I lost my friend. I've got a scar on my back that reminds me every single day about the price of playing beat the clock, and it's my job to make sure that you never get any kind of reminder.


Shay: Oh my God.
Severide: What?
Shay: I just took this baby proofing quiz and our apartment is a death trap.

Voight: Did she ever mention anyone that she felt uncomfortable around, was afraid of?
Casey: Yeah, you.

It's not a good time because it's worth doing right.


Hermann: We've got Yakov Smirnoff tending bar now?
Dawson: Who's that?

I don't know if you've heard, but miraculously Tara Little has quit the fire service and recanted her testimony against you.


I perjured myself for you Kelly.


I remembered a lot of things I wanted to reclaim for myself when I returned.


Shay: So you love him because you choose to?
Dawson: No. Because I do.

Sea salt sarsaparilla. What the hell kind of chocolate is this? Where's the nougat?


Chicago Fire Quotes

Kidd: I just got to keep busy. Working the bar’s good for that. Um, you know I’m gonna need some major distraction when I get home, right?
Severide: I think I can provide.
Kidd: You are so selfless.

Casey: Well, you gotta admit, he's happy.
Dawson: She's a graphic artist he met at the craps table. Her name is Brittany and she's from Florida? You know what that adds up to? Stripper!
Casey: What do you have against Florida?