Boden: No catch, huh?
Hermann: Not unless he tries to pay me with Monopoly money.

Shay: You're working?
Dawson: Well, with you faking it somebody's gotta step up.

Shay: Listen, it's not too late to switch teams.
Dawson: You already moved in, let's take it slow.

Dawson: Are you high?
Severide: What?
Dawson: You've got pinpoint pupils.

I 'm so damn proud of you Kelly, and if I were straight I'd throw the biggest hump into you right now.


Holy moly these guys must be the 1% I keep hearing about.


My cousin, the poster child for Better Homes and Gardens, throws this really super fancy Christmas party every year.


If you're up for a date, tell me when to pick you up.


Casey: It's okay she's fun.
Dawson: She's better when she's drunk.

It's not a good time because it's worth doing right.


I perjured myself for you Kelly.


Sea salt sarsaparilla. What the hell kind of chocolate is this? Where's the nougat?


Chicago Fire Season 1 Quotes

Hey! One hand on the beam, Cal, and I don't care if you're carrying a cow! Men die when they relax!


Wow, this is bad bad bad.
