Ellie: You're gonna be okay, John. A lot of people get by with nine toes.
Jeff: I'm getting by fine with eight.

Lester: How much do you think a toe is worth to Casey?
Jeff: Why?
Lester: Maybe there's a finder's fee.

You know, I survived three wars without so much as losing a fingernail before I met you, Bartowski.


Big Mike: Love the smell of day before Christmas in the morning.
Emmett: There's just nothing quite like the sweet scent of desperate last-minute shoppers in the air.
Big Mike: You jack our prices up 10%?
Emmett: 15. You snooze, you lose.
Big Mike: We're going to rob them blind.
Emmett: Merry Christmas!
Big Mike: Merry Christmas!

Chuck: It's okay everyone. It was a mistake. An accidental shooting, but Casey is gonna be just fine.
Casey: You idiot. You owe me a toe, Bartowski!

General Beckman: The suspect's name is Nathan Rhyerson. He is a civilian. No record, not even a speeding ticket in the past 10 years.
Casey: Oh, Nathan picked himself the wrong place to be naughty instead of nice.

Sarah: (on the phone to Chuck) Hi, Chuck. Where are you?
Chuck: DVDs. I'm in the Romantic Comedy section. Although for irony's sake, I suppose I should probably be in Hostage Thrillers.

Ned: Chuck, you've been a good friend to me, so I'm gonna return the favor, I'm gonna let your girlfriend go.
Chuck: No.
Ellie: Chuck.
Jeff: Ouch!
Lester: Yikes, you get cold Christmases at the Bartowski's.
Buy More Employee: Oh no, he didn't.

General Beckman: (looking at the tape on Casey's fingers) Are you okay, Major?
Casey: Oh, er, just paper cuts. I'm on gift wrap station, General.
General Beckman: It's an electronics store, Major, not Basra. Get it under control.

Ned: I, uh... I feel terrible about shooting your friend's toe off.
Chuck: No, no, no, no, that's okay. Sometimes, I feel like shooting him myself.

Morgan: Let me ask you something. What do you do when you see your girlfriend do something so horrific, it's permanently burned into your brain?
Chuck: I don't know buddy. But I know exactly what you mean.

Sarah: Christmas at the Burton household meant the annual Salvation Army con-job.
Chuck: OK. You're a little different from the rest of us.

Chuck Season 2 Quotes

Alex [dressed as stripper]: I understand one of you has been a naughty, naughty boy.
Lester: Me, oh my God, pick me, I'm so bad, I've been bad, I've been bad, I'm a bad person, I'm a terrible person.
Jeff: I broke eight and a half commandments on the way to work this morning

General Beckman: I wanted to have a private word with you... pardon the intrusion
Chuck: On this moment or my life in general?