Sarah: Hey, did you get a good look at him?
Casey: I didn't have to. I know him.
Sarah: What?
Chuck: Guys, hey, I just flashed on that dude. And it's crazy, it's actually kind of a small world funny story.
Casey: Save it. His name is Ty Bennett. He was my sensei. He taught me everything I know.

Morgan: Yep, John Casey scares me.
Chuck: Well, that happens when you bottle up your feelings like that. You wake up one day and you're a seething mass of pain.

Casey: You need a little break, Bartowski?
Chuck: Yeah, that'd be nice. I mean finding out Jill was Fulcrum was a bit of a shock to the system, you know. I guess I wouldn't mind some time to sort out my feelings.
Casey: Sure thing, Chuck. I just call all the criminals, rogues, spies, and let them know to hold on a sec 'cause Chuck Bartowski needs some time to sort out his lady feelings.

Chuck: Dude, your sensei is a badass.
Casey: Not my sensei, he's a traitor.
Sarah: Wow, I've heard of Bennett, but I've never met anyone who actually trained with him.
Casey: I can't talk about it. It's classified.
General Beckman: We're opening Bennett's file for this assignment. Any personal knowledge you have could be vital to the success of this mission.
Chuck: (scoffing) Come on, Casey. Share with us.
Casey: In hell!

Casey: Shut up!
Sarah: Yeah, shut up, Chuck, you're making him mad.
Chuck: Underneath that extremely terrifying exterior lies a man who deeply, deeply feels. You, you care. You care about us. You care about me. Admit it! You feel all warm and mushy about me! Go ahead, say it. You love me, John Casey.
Casey: I'm gonna kill you.
Chuck: Www...wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold on! No, not me! Him.

Morgan: Alright, just to be absolutely clear, our position on "Employee of the Month" is that we don't care. Are you guys with me?
Jeff: Yep. Not caring. Not a rat's ass.
Lester: Not a fat and/or hairy one.
Jeff: Wait, why don't we care again?
Morgan: Because "Employee of the Month" is a scam and working hard is for suckers.

(on the phone to Casey) Code red. Code red. Redder than red. It is the reddest, it is the reddest of all hues. We are Defcon One or Five, whichever means hurry. Right now. Bennett is at the Buy More.

Bennett: I'm looking for John Casey. Can you tell me where to find him?
Morgan: What do I look like? An information desk?
Bennett: Excuse me?
Morgan: Yes, fine, you're excused. Oh, and don't forget to fill in our customer comment card on your way out.

Devon: Hey Lester, have you seen Chuck?
Lester: Maybe.
Devon: So is he around?
Lester: Could be.
Devon: Can you find him for me?
Lester: Yeah, sure, I could, but wouldn't it be more fulfilling for you if you did it yourself? Yeah. Look, I'm so sorry, it's this stupid store contest. I can help you but do me a solid and do not mention it on this card. Yes? Thank you buddy.

Beckman: So Bennett got away. Again. If you don't mind me asking, where was the Intersect during all of this?
Chuck: Well, technically, I was in Bennett's trunk, so I didn't see anything that happened but it sounded very exciting.

(to Chuck) You know, if my primary objective wasn't to protect you, I'd kill you.


Casey: Can't believe it. Beckman was out of line pulling me off this mission.
Sarah: I agree with her. You're too emotionally involved.
Casey: This from the agent that can't keep her chocolate out of Bartowski's peanut butter.

Chuck Season 2 Quotes

Alex [dressed as stripper]: I understand one of you has been a naughty, naughty boy.
Lester: Me, oh my God, pick me, I'm so bad, I've been bad, I've been bad, I'm a bad person, I'm a terrible person.
Jeff: I broke eight and a half commandments on the way to work this morning

General Beckman: I wanted to have a private word with you... pardon the intrusion
Chuck: On this moment or my life in general?