Robert: You look so pretty in that veil.
Rebecca: Oh, Robert.

Who the Dickens is Robert?


White Josh: I don't know, I'm just not big into marriage in general. You know that.
Darryl: No, I don't know that. That's not a thing that I know.
White Josh: What? Oh, yeah. No, it's just not my thing. Most people get divorced. You got divorced.

Josh: Father Rodrigo, I got the call, and I'm here to answer it. I want the cool t-shirt. Tell God I'm usually a size large. I want to become -
[cut to Rebecca at the wedding]
Rebecca: A PRIEST?! Josh is leaving me to become a priest?
Father Brah: Yeah, dude.

I'm so glad I did that nice thing for you. So selfless of me. Feels so good. And it makes me like myself even better because of it. You know, I mean, anybody can buy a guy a plane ticket, but to send a whole plane? Hero is not too strong a word, I don't think.


Nurse 1: What's with this one?
Nurse 2: She sings to herself all day. No one knows why.

Rebecca: Um, it's three days until out wedding! Can you believe it?
Josh: Oh, yes. So exciting. Then it will all be over with.
Rebecca: Hey!
Josh: I mean, a wedding is great, but I'm excited for our actual life together to start.
Rebecca: Aw, that's sweet – but weddings are also really important.

Well Rebecca, you've done it now. You've gotten everything you said you wanted. So take a moment and take a breath - after today you'll start fresh, and finally I'll be the hero of my own story. The princess in the tale. In an unexpected twist it turns out magic exists. I'll feel it in my dress and in my veil. Daddy's little girl, princess of his world that was never something I knew before, but now that I'm a bride, he'll look at me with pride. 'Cause my Daddy will love me, and then in a wonderful way everything in the past will just fall away. My Daddy will love me, and my Mommy will love me, and Josh will love me, and then – I'll never have problems again.


Paula: Listen, we are gonna make Josh pay. I promise you, I will help you. We'll TP his house, we'll hack his facebook, we'll key his car -
Rebecca: No, no, no. We can't do any of those things.
Paula: Why not?
Rebecca: Because they're not enough. Because Josh Chan must be destroyed.
Paula: What did you have in mind?

Rebecca: I have a super fast wedding to plan.
Nathaniel: Yeah, funny how that happened. Elevator. Kiss. Boom! Rush to the altar!
Rebecca: You think I moved up my wedding just because we kissed? Don't flatter yourself.

Seriously, Patrick. Was I sick the day in school where they taught you to be a normal person? It just feels like there's something fundamental I'm missing out on. Like, is there an instruction manual? You get what I'm saying, Patrick? It just, it just feels like everyone is in this cabal of normal people, and they're all laughing at me like I'm the jester in my own Truman Show. Patrick, tell me what the secret is. Is there a manual? Do you have a manual? I know you have a manual, Patrick! I know it's in your trunk, Patrick!


Make sure this wedding is happening with you - not to you.

Father Brah

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 2 Quotes

Rebecca: It's like you don't even believe in me and Josh anymore!
Paula: I used to think that you two had destiny on your side, I really did -
Rebecca: PAULA!
Paula: But I hate to say it, but I don't think Josh cares about you the way you want him to.

Paula: What you've got with Josh is an AirBnB with benefits.
Rebecca: You are so wrong!