Ghosts were created when the first man woke in the night - J. M. Berrie


Cochran: Let me tell you what's going to happen today. I'm going to give you one last choice to make. Either you're going to die, or the baby's going to die. Which one? It's your decision.
Clark: Don't do this.
Cochran: Who am I going to kill, Ellen? Tell me.

Clark: Will you please listen to me.
Cochran: Shut up.
Clark: No. I know what you're feeling.
Cochran: No you don't.
Clark: Yes I do. I couldn't handle what happened either. So I become somebody else. Somebody who didn't let her little boy drown.
Cochran: I miss him.
Clark: So do I.

  • Permalink: So do I.
  • Added:

Lewis: Rossi, do you think our basic personalities can ever change?
Rossi: No. Maybe a degree here or there but I think we come out of the oven fully cooked.

Ennis: How's Douglas?
Lewis: He left.
Ennis: Because of me?
Lewis: You were part of it, yeah.
Ennis: Was it one of those deals where he says you have to choose one or the other?
Lewis: Something like that, yeah.
Ennis: You chose me.
Lewis: No, Leonard. I chose me.

A Spanish proverb says - More grows in the garden, than the gardener knows he has planted.


All sins tend to be addictive. And a terminal point of addiction is damnation - W. H. Auden


Rossi: I like it strong. How about you?
Montoya: Hot and fresh.
Rossi: Really? Because I kind of pegged you as a single malt kind of guy. Look, Chief. We both know that if your judgement is compromised, it doesn't do us any good. In fact quite the opposite. The last thing your town needs is for its Chief of Police to be caught drinking on the job. Now I know you've buried a lot of good people; people who you were supposed to protect. But the ones who are still here need you now more than ever. So, why don't you go home, drink some real coffee and dry up. And come back fresh. You can help us catch these guys.

Wade: Well you sure are some kind of tall drink of water, ain't ya? I usually don't even like your kind.
Hotch: Shut up.

Tammy: I loved you.
Mason: I loved you too.
Tammy: No you didn't, because you would have stopped. All you cared about was getting high.

Hotch: I had a call from the warden at ADX Florence in Colorado. Giuseppe Montolo has refused our latest request to talk to him. He told the warden to tell us he was too busy.
Garcia: He's a hit man in prison, how busy can he be?
Morgan: He's playing us. The only leverage he has is the list of twelve potential victims targeted by a network of hit men. As long as he keeps the list of the "Dirty Dozen" close to his vest, he keeps us on the hook.
Hotch: Well that may be. We still have to treat this as a dead end. Have you found anything to help us identify who the potential targets are?
Garcia: Sir I've been working all my channels 24/7, shaking every digital tree. Nothing yet.

And think not that you can direct the course of love; for love that finds you worthy directs your course - Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
