Mommy, Mommy, that bald man's in the bathroom, and there's something hard in his pants!


You f*cking Bucknered it! Why is Buckner on my team?!?


Larry: My name is Todd, and I'm an incest survivor.
Group: Hello.
Larry: I had sex with my uncle when I was 12. He lived in Great Neck, he was a doctor. An osteopath, I dont even know what they do, but I know they're doctors. Something to do with muscles I think, neither here nor there.

Michael J. Fox bout to be Michael J. fucked up in a minute.


Stop scratching your balls and tell me where it is! Alright, just get me the fucking head, alright?! Get me the fucking head, alright!? Both of you, I've had it! You four-eyed fuck and you fat piece of shit, get me the head!


He will be gay. He's pre-gay.


Have you set a day aside when you're gonna finally look at her face?


I tend to say stupid things to black people sometimes


Larry: So what, I'm a shmuck for being in a masturbation contest?
Jason Alexander: It's not an incredibly noble experiment was it?

He started a war. He didn't really care for Jews. He thought they were a bit much.


Anybody want to help a semi-retarded individual change a tire?


Larry: I can't wait to call my parents. They are gonna be so proud of me! When I tell my father I figured out out that navigation system, he's gonna flip his wig! And he's got one too!
Cheryl: Can we turn on the radio?
Larry: Oh, he's gonna be very proud of Larry figuring out the navigation system!
Cheryl: Please.
Larry: "Daddy, I'm not so stupid!"

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"