Larry: Why don't you get a divorce?
Funkhouser: I'm too lazy.

Larry [on Jerry Seinfeld]: He's a eunuch. Yes, his testicles were cut of when he was about 13 because he was in the Beth Shalom choir. And that's what he wanted to be, he was a choirboy.
Phyliss: Julia, is that true? Does he really have no testicles?
Julia: You know, I've got to tell you, I don't have any fuckin' idea

Greg: They should start selling them in every gift shop in New York City.
Larry: Yeah, I don't think Jews would like that.
Greg: Get a life Jews!

Jeff: You really love that dog.
Larry: It's nice to be affectionate to something German. You don't get the opportunity that often, you know.

Loretta: LD, do you know what it feels like to have cancer?
Larry: I know what it feels like to be with someone who has cancer.

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Larry: Hamster? Put him in a cage and you can torture him a little bit?
Sammy: They're boring.
Larry: But you torture them. It's not boring if you torture them.

I wouldn't go around quoting "good Hodgkin's" based on Party of Five.


You see what's going on here? She's doing a chat and cut.


Anybody want to help a semi-retarded individual change a tire?


Larry: I can't wait to call my parents. They are gonna be so proud of me! When I tell my father I figured out out that navigation system, he's gonna flip his wig! And he's got one too!
Cheryl: Can we turn on the radio?
Larry: Oh, he's gonna be very proud of Larry figuring out the navigation system!
Cheryl: Please.
Larry: "Daddy, I'm not so stupid!"

Just having Parkinson's doesn't give you carte blanche to take advantage of the non-Parkinson's.


Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"