Leonardo my dearest, I was betrayed. I could not keep The Book of Leaves here. The only way you will find its location is if you give up your quest for me.

Leo's mother

Welcome home artista. I wondered when Florence's famed war engineer would turn up. Not quite the challenge I expected.

Duke Federico

Leonardo: I owe Verrocchio everything I am. So unless you are willing to help me find the man who killed him, I suggest you get out of my way.
The Turk: This death, it has already changed you.
Leonardo: Your quest has changed me.

All those nights dissecting corpses Andrea, they're about to pay off.

Lorenzo: So what does the other side of the world look like?
Leonardo: Different.
Lorenzo: You ever consider staying? Leaving all this behind?
Leonardo: And miss all the fun?

Two men whose blood flows in each others veins. Take it with you, on your journey.


Leonardo: It's a new invention, a mechanical fish.
Zo: Trout, Salmon, Cod?
Leonardo: Part trout, part turtle, part lamprey. Nature always produces ingenious hybrids and so shall we.

The Prisoner: Good to see you again Lupo. How many years has it been?
Lupo: God in Heaven what are you?
The Prisoner: In your heart you know what I am. The one true Pope.

Whoever lays their hands of The Book of Leaves will rule all of Italy, if not the world.

Count Riario

Da Vinci's Demons Quotes

Al-Rahim: You have failed us da Vinci. You are not the one we hoped.
Leonardo: I couldn't abandon Lorenzo.
Al-Rahim: So you abandon your destiny?

All those nights dissecting corpses Andrea, they're about to pay off.

da Vinci